티스토리 뷰


Python 개발을 편하게 iPython

Jason park@ 2021. 9. 17. 17:46

서버를 두고 원격으로 python 으로 AI 관련 개발을 하다보면 

중간중간 확인과정을 거쳐야 하는데, 이미지나 그래프등 바로 바로 확인이 안된다.

plt.show() 나 cv.imshow() 등등..

이미지를 저장해서 확인하지 않은이상 쉽지 않다


이럴때, 구글 코랩과 같은 대화형 쉘을 이용하면 편리하게 개발을 할수 있다.

대화형 쉘을 지원하는 iPython 을 설치하면 개발이 편리해진다.


설치 방법과 운용이 너무 간단하다.

설치는 아래 명령어 한줄이면 된다.

pip install jupyterlab


실행은 아래와 같이 한줄이면 된다.

jupyter lab --ip=


뒤에 --ip 옵션은 외부에서 접속할수 있도록 Listen IP 를 으로 설정한것이다.

jupyter lab --help 명령어를 입력하면 옵션을 확인할수 있다.

JupyterLab - An extensible computational environment for Jupyter.

This launches a Tornado based HTML Server that serves up an HTML5/Javascript
JupyterLab client.

JupyterLab has three different modes of running:

* Core mode (`--core-mode`): in this mode JupyterLab will run using the JavaScript
  assets contained in the installed `jupyterlab` Python package. In core mode, no
  extensions are enabled. This is the default in a stable JupyterLab release if you
  have no extensions installed.
* Dev mode (`--dev-mode`): uses the unpublished local JavaScript packages in the
  `dev_mode` folder.  In this case JupyterLab will show a red stripe at the top of
  the page.  It can only be used if JupyterLab is installed as `pip install -e .`.
* App mode: JupyterLab allows multiple JupyterLab "applications" to be
  created by the user with different combinations of extensions. The `--app-dir` can
  be used to set a directory for different applications. The default application
  path can be found using `jupyter lab path`.

Subcommands are launched as `lab cmd [args]`. For information on using
subcommand 'cmd', do: `lab cmd -h`.


The options below are convenience aliases to configurable class-options,
as listed in the "Equivalent to" description-line of the aliases.
To see all configurable class-options for some <cmd>, use:
    <cmd> --help-all

    Set debug level for the extension and underlying server applications.
    Equivalent to: [--ServerApp.log_level=DEBUG --ExtensionApp.log_level=DEBUG]
    generate default config file
    Equivalent to: [--JupyterApp.generate_config=True]
    Answer yes to any questions instead of prompting.
    Equivalent to: [--JupyterApp.answer_yes=True]
    Allow the server to be run from root user.
    Equivalent to: [--ServerApp.allow_root=True]
    Prevent the opening of the default url in the browser.
    Equivalent to: [--ServerApp.open_browser=False --ExtensionApp.open_browser=False]
    Autoreload the webapp
        Enable reloading of the tornado webapp and all imported Python packages
        when any changes are made to any Python src files in server or
    Equivalent to: [--ServerApp.autoreload=True]
    Equivalent to: [--FileContentsManager.save_script=True]
    Equivalent to: [--FileContentsManager.save_script=False]
    Start the app in core mode.
    Equivalent to: [--LabApp.core_mode=True]
    Start the app in dev mode for running from source.
    Equivalent to: [--LabApp.dev_mode=True]
    Start the app in watch mode.
    Equivalent to: [--LabApp.watch=True]
    Splice source packages into app directory.
    Equivalent to: [--LabApp.splice_source=True]
    Expose the global app instance to browser via window.jupyterlab.
    Equivalent to: [--LabApp.expose_app_in_browser=True]
    Load prebuilt extensions in dev-mode.
    Equivalent to: [--LabApp.extensions_in_dev_mode=True]
    Whether to enable collaborative mode.
    Equivalent to: [--LabApp.collaborative=True]
    Set the log level by value or name.
    Choices: any of [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL']
    Default: 30
    Equivalent to: [--Application.log_level]
    Full path of a config file.
    Default: ''
    Equivalent to: [--JupyterApp.config_file]
    The IP address the Jupyter server will listen on.
    Default: 'localhost'
    Equivalent to: [--ServerApp.ip]
    The port the server will listen on (env: JUPYTER_PORT).
    Default: 0
    Equivalent to: [--ServerApp.port]
    The number of additional ports to try if the specified port is not available
    Default: 50
    Equivalent to: [--ServerApp.port_retries]
    The full path to a private key file for usage with SSL/TLS.
    Default: ''
    Equivalent to: [--ServerApp.keyfile]
    The full path to an SSL/TLS certificate file.
    Default: ''
    Equivalent to: [--ServerApp.certfile]
    The full path to a certificate authority certificate for SSL/TLS client
    Default: ''
    Equivalent to: [--ServerApp.client_ca]
    The directory to use for notebooks and kernels.
    Default: ''
    Equivalent to: [--ServerApp.root_dir]
    Specify what command to use to invoke a web
                          browser when starting the server. If not specified, the
                          default browser will be determined by the `webbrowser`
                          standard library module, which allows setting of the
                          BROWSER environment variable to override it.
    Default: ''
    Equivalent to: [--ServerApp.browser]
    DISABLED: use %pylab or %matplotlib in the notebook to enable matplotlib.
    Default: 'disabled'
    Equivalent to: [--ServerApp.pylab]
    Whether to serve the app in watch mode
    Default: False
    Equivalent to: [--LabApp.watch]
    The app directory to launch JupyterLab from.
    Default: None
    Equivalent to: [--LabApp.app_dir]


    jupyter lab                       # start JupyterLab
            jupyter lab --dev-mode            # start JupyterLab in development mode, with no extensions
            jupyter lab --core-mode           # start JupyterLab in core mode, with no extensions
            jupyter lab --app-dir=~/myjupyterlabapp # start JupyterLab with a particular set of extensions
            jupyter lab --certfile=mycert.pem # use SSL/TLS certificate

To see all available configurables, use `--help-all`.


실행시 접속할수 있는 주소와 토큰을 주는데, 이때 패스워드를 변경하면 앞으로 실행시 토큰없이 해당 패스워드로 접속이 가능하다.


 미리 알았더라면 개발을 수월하게 했을텐데, 지금이라도 알아서 참 다행이다 ㅠ


기본 코드 작성은 inteliJ 를 이용하고 실행하고 확인하는 과정이 필요할때 이용하고 있다.


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